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KV Homeowners Association

About KV Homeowners Association
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Improving the quality of life for K-V residents and beyond...
The K-V Homeowners Association (HOA) was founded in 1972.
The size of the K-V HOA numbers
779 total lots on a 1100 acre subdivision of which there are 525 property owners.
Situated in one of the poorest counties in Colorado, the K-V HOA has continuously struggled with the
symptoms connected to poverty.
In 2021, with a new board and new board president, the K-V HOA is transforming itself (in partnership with other local organizations and through creative
grant funding) into an entity that is creating a shared sense of community by upgrading the subdivision’s infrastructure, and communal areas to ensure the best quality of life for all K-V
home owners and property owners.
Increasing property values in the K-V goes beyond just code enforcement we instead focus on creating a shared sense of community that supports seniors aging in place, young families, and individuals looking to live a simpler lifestyle more aligned with the earth’s resources.
The developing commercial kitchen, greenhouse, and gardens;
making water a precious resource
through careful planning and development of the K-V water
system infrastructure;
and working to maintain and create quality housing are some of the ways that the K-V HOA supports its residents.
Transforming the K-V HOA into a new model for sustaining a resilient rural community in remote Colorado.
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